Thoughts to Ponder

Welcome to a space dedicated to navigating the wild and wonderful journey of parenthood. Here, we'll delve into the joys, challenges, and everything in between that comes with raising little humans. From practical parenting tips to insightful reflections, join me as we explore this adventure called parenting. Let's embark on this journey together, sharing wisdom, experiences, and thoughts to ponder along the way.


Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

You can’t do it for them

In order for our children to feel the full gamut of JOY they must also experience the opposite, which is unfortunately pain.

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Wisdom from a parent-teacher conference

Don’t allow how you THINK your child should been seen by others to cloud how your child wants to present themselves to the world. Encourage them to be exactly who they want to be.

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Underlying Voice of Intuition

Nobody taught me to listen to my intuition. I wish they had. I wish my educators had known the secrets of this and had given me lessons. The power that can come with just knowing is powerful. 

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Notes on my cork board.

Learn how to be more present with your kids and enjoy the little moments, even when life gets crazy.

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

So your kid is a little obstinate

All kids should push back a little. They are testing the boundaries. And honestly - kudos to you. As long as you nurture this, your child will grow up and not get pushed around.  But in the meantime….

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Summer vacation brain

How to keep our kids still engaged in learning while also allowing them to enjoy vacation.

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Why is a morning routine so powerful? 💪

We often think a morning routine is simply what we do from the moment we wake up - but setting yourself up the night before is truly key to a successful routine that you’ll stick with. 👍

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Help, my child is inconsolable.

Your child is crying inconsolably. Their whole system is on overload. They want it all and don't want anything. They want it warmer, colder, quieter and louder all at the same time. Read on…

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans

Journaling with your kids

Journaling with kids is a wonderful way to foster their creativity, emotional expression, and communication skills while creating cherished family memories.

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Jennifer Winans Jennifer Winans


The importance of patience for our kids...and our garden.

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